Wellness Recovery Action Plan
Upcoming Workshop: March 24-25 at the Pier Recovery Community Center (Newport, KY)
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination. WRAP® is a wellness and recovery approach that helps people to:
- Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors;
- Increase personal empowerment;
- Improve quality of life; and
- Achieve your own life goals and dreams.
Working with a WRAP® can help individuals to monitor uncomfortable and distressing feelings and behaviors and, through planned responses, reduce, modify, or eliminate those feelings. A WRAP® also includes plans for responses from others when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of themselves, and/or keep themselves safe.
WRAP® group participants create a personalized recovery system of wellness tools and action plans to achieve a self-directed wellness vision despite life’s daily challenges. Participants are encouraged, and when possible, assisted to continue meeting after the formal two-day session has ended and to support each other in using and continuously revising their WRAP® plans. A person’s WRAP® is a tool that can be used for a lifetime, and a voluntary WRAP® group can be a long-term peer support resource for ensuring that this valuable and personalized recovery system remains sharp and useful for building a healthy and successful life in the community.
WRAP® groups at MHANKYSWOH typically range in size from 10 to 15 participants and are led by two trained co-facilitators who are peers who use WRAP® for their own recovery. Information is delivered and skills are developed through presentations, discussions, and individual and group exercises in person over two days.
*To complete the online application, please use Google Chrome as your browser on a desktop or laptop computer (no tablets or mobile devices). Our application and information system may not work correctly on other browsers or on mobile devices.