Our national organization, Mental Health America, is the country’s leading nonprofit dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives. The organization has over a century of advocacy, public education, and service delivery experience. Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio is bringing wellness home right where you live and work, in Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio. Our affiliate participates in local, state, and national advocacy to maximize resources, change attitudes, and ultimately best serve those with mental and substance use disorders.
How can you advocate? It only takes one person to get things started.
Mental Health America’s Advocacy Network is a powerful voice for change made up of thousands of individuals nationwide who actively protect America’s mental health through legislative advocacy. Sign up today to join the national movement!
For state advocacy issues:
Each State has a governing body that guides mental health and addiction services. The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services has this responsibility in Kentucky and Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services has this responsibility in Ohio. You can find a wealth of information and resources at the links provided below:
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
OH Mental Health & Addiction Services News
Find Your Legislator
Call, e-mail, or mail U.S. state and federal elected officials and government agencies.