Advanced CIT Training

  • 3/28/2014 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • True
  • Liz Atwell
  • CIT- at MHA
  • [email protected]
  • 3/26/2014 5:30 PM
  • 13
  • Objective:  Law Enforcement professionals will “shadow” mental health professionals to observe and interact with individuals experiencing mental health and substance use disorders.  Shadowing will increase the law enforcement professional’s understanding of mental health and substance use disorders, introduce them to resources, and build connections between the law enforcement and mental health and addictions systems.

    Who:   Opportunity is open to all previously trained CIT and MHRT officers as well as those who have not been trained yet.

    What:   “Shadowing Experience” followed by a short debriefing/training on accessing resources for individuals in crisis.

    When:    March 28, 2014  8:30-4:30


      March 31, 2014  8:30-4:30

    Why:   Crisis Intervention Team Trained (CIT) and Mental Health response Team Trained (MHRT) professionals get a foundation of knowledge and skills through the core curriculum of the forty-hour training.  Part of the training is being matched with a local service provider to “shadow” and learn how they work with the community- a strong first hand experience.  This Advanced opportunity allows the trainee to participate in an additional shadowing experience to see something different and gain new knowledge and resources.

    To Register:   25 trainees are able to participate on 3/28 and an additional 25 trainees are able to participate on 3/31- first come, first serve.   Questions may be sent to [email protected]