Building Mastery and Confidence in EFT/Tapping

  • 11/07/2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • True
  • Zoom
  • 3
  • Prerequisite: Stress, Anxiety Relief with Tapping (Session 1 on October 31)

    Are you looking to integrate Tapping into your practice?

    This course will review the material from Session One and build skill confidence. It is offered a week after the first session so participants can practice what they learned in Session One. This session addresses skill applications and troubleshooting. Attendees will also practice these skills with their cohorts so that they leave the course confident to incorporate this practical, effective and life-changing tool for personal or professional use.

    Learning Objectives

    • Explain how stress affects cognition and critical thinking
    • Describe How Tapping works
    • Implement Functional Tapping (FT) for stress, anxiety, and grounding.
    • Demonstrate Public Tapping
    • Create a plan to incorporate Tapping for clients or personal use

    Presenter: Tijana Coso, BA, MA, EFT Certified Tapping

    Added Bonuses:

    • Complimentary 1-hour follow-up phone call
    • One-time private coaching session for a discounted rate of $100
    • The Tapping Tool eBook for $1.99

    Click here for information about morning sessions and Click here for additional information and registration about afternoon sessions.