Pathways to Recovery Date & Time 9/29/2021 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Categories Upcoming Event True Location Zoom Certification Hours 3 Description CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE EVENT. Celebrate Recovery Month and learn about the power language plays in inflaming or eliminating stigma, how authentic harm reduction is saving lives, and explore the many pathways available to those seeking recovery from a mental health or substance use disorder. Recovery is for everyone- every person, every family, every community. This event is intended to be helpful for anyone- for personal or professional education. We'll explore clinical, non-clinical, and self-management pathways to recovery, provide resources, and have conversations around how to de-stigmatize mental health and addiction in our everyday lives. MHANKYSWOH staff will also be available after the event as a connection to services and to address any additional questions you might have. Rethinking Language & Exploring Bias Donald McDonald, MSW, LCAS | Chief Recovery Officer, All Sober The stigma surrounding people who use drugs and people experiencing substance use disorders leads to inhibited help-seeking and discriminatory barriers to life, freedom and wellness. Inaccurate and stigmatizing language and recovery pathway bias play roles in promoting continued bias against vulnerable people. Learning Objectives: 1. Attendees will identify inaccurate & stigmatizing language. 2. Attendees will discuss appropriate behavioral health language. 3. Attendees will identify numerous recovery pathway categories. 4. Attendees will examine the role recovery pathway bias plays in barriers to appropriate care. Authentic Harm Reduction Carly Larson, MA, CPFS | Support Line Program Manager, Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners As the behavioral health industry is seeing an increasing overlap between mental illness and substance use disorder, it is also seeing the promising and evidence-based outcomes of adopting a harm reduction philosophy-a proven and successful approach to treatment that aims to reduce addiction-related stigma and commits to meeting people where they are. Learning Objectives: 1. Attendees will be able to define harm reduction and apply best approaches. 2. Attendees will be able to develop plans for negotiating safety with people they work with. 3. Attendees will be able to critique traditional thinking around “harm,” and apply a person-centered approach in their work. Pathways to Recovery Exploration Hear from real individuals in recovery, both locally and nationally, while comparing the same set of criteria for each pathway in a TED Talk style presentation. Moderation Management Harm Reduction Peer Support & Recovery Coaching Holistic Approach (Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness) Self-Management (Podcasts, Books & Media) Twelve-Step Programs Online Services Refuge Recovery & More! Click here to register.